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CNI’s director Anton Radniankou and team member Ivan Krautsou missing

CNI's director Anton Radniankou and team member Ivan Krautsou missing

According to the Coordination Council, Anton Radniankou and Ivan Kravtsovare situated in Kyiv, Ukraine now. They both are safe.

Today, approximately at 11 AM, we lost connection with CNI’s director Anton Radniankou and our team member Ivan Krautsou.

Anton’s and Ivan’s whereabouts are unknown. Their disappearance is most likely related to their work for the Coordination Council of the Belarusian opposition forces that was created in the aftermath of the Presidential Election. Anton is Press Secretary and Ivan is Executive Secretary at the Council. 

We will keep you updated on our colleagues’ status and location. 

Anton Radniankou is a Director of Center for New Ideas and co-owner of private business. Anton was born in Homiel, studied International Relations in Minsk State Linguistic University and Financial Markets Analysis in Belarusian National Technical University. Previously, he managed sustainable development projects in Belarusian regions and headed the high-tech department at the Minsk Watch Plant.

Ivan Krautsou is teaching theory and practice of architecture in Belarusian National Technical University and works as Art Director of Architectural Buerau 35. He worked as Deputy Director at Minsk Watch Plant.